Monday, January 2, 2012

New Ad(age)

It's the beginning of the end if you believe any of those crappy prophecies. So if it is the last year let me put everything to use that I have learnt over the time to make the rest of the period a happy place and make it seem worthwhile. In an age where values, ethics and relations are broken quicker than new year resolutions, the question always pops up "Is it really worth it?". Days change and so do people and equations and it might all seem to troubling. Well here are a few "Quick Fixes" to bring about the desired new year transition.

The world was created for people to be loved and things to be used, but it is in a state of chaos coz of the reverse following. Try sticking to the actual rule!

If Time=Money then why isn't the gift of time revered by this society driven by a materialistic outlook. In my opinion the greatest gift you can give someone is your time coz you are giving them a part of your life which you will never get back. Value That!!

The happiest feeling is to see someone you care about smile and know that you are the reason behind it. So go ahead and set that straightness into a curve you'd love to see.

Words don't justify anything. So if you really mean it then prove it with your actions.

Feel free to voice yourself and take a stand against hypocrisy and for you righteous behaviour.

Sometimes you need to run away. Not to be alone but to see who cares enough to run behind you. The distance currently helped me understand that.

People who want to, make a way and the others make excuses. So I guess it's not that difficult to spot genuine people.

You don't love a person. You love those qualities that describe them. Once they cease to exist well so should the person for you. Stop fretting over changed attitude. Its anyway not the person u knew.

Never hurt people who love and care for you coz they will never hurt you back and they will have no option but to leave.

Don't run behind worldly acceptance. Care for those who really matter.

Don't just exist, Learn to live. Create your bucket list and go out and do all the things you wanted to.

I know we all make mistakes. I am proud to have made and learn from them for Life doesn't come with a user's manual.

If people criticize you, hurt you or shout at you, remember that in every game it's the audience that makes the noise and not the players. You gotta up your game

Choices are sacrifices we make. Don't blame it on circumstances for we always have a choice. Stand by them.

If you feel vindicated and that your trust was broken it is totally your fault to have put blind faith in someone.

A person who does not stand by his words is not to be respected or trusted.

The person who cares for you the most is the one stares back at you every day.

Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule but love the ones who don't look at their schedule when you need them. They are the ones who truly care for you.

Don't fret too much. People who don't have time for you don't deserve your attention either.

And lastly its tough, but to be accepted that some people can stay in your heart and memories but not in your life. So move on.

So you see guys it really no reason to fret over things. Apply whichever of these solutions are applicable to you. This was from my experience. However Id like to know you adages and quick fixes as well.

P.S: Do include your names as always.Cheers!


  1. Julie: Nice it is Nemi and very well written. It is very true...

  2. seems you have enjoyed and learned a lot from one journey,... and you r taking it with you for the next one,....
    I'd like to add.."Life is too short.... so kiss slowly,laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly "

  3. Mohit: Hmm very impressive collection of shall remain in my bookmark list on google chrome for easy reference..well done my friend..high five to u on it..

  4. Dave Mohit: HI 5!! Thanks a ton dave....nd it really means a lot if it is gonna be in the bookmark list...*honored*

  5. Deepali: Yes the journey has been eventful and something beyond words...and yess i shall apply it to the next one but lemme add the current one isnt over either ;)
    And yess thanks for your able to imbibe all except the last two words..trying to work on that though :)

  6. Mamu i would like to read a post after u give ur 1 st mid term at USC

    mazza aayega

  7. who can more better than me can understand ur felling for this sentence that u wrote

    "Feel free to voice yourself and take a stand against hypocrisy and for you righteous behaviour."


  8. really make this statement true
    Every moment in life is an experience!!!

  9. So true and close to life...every sentence reflects truth..and somewhere in life we have all come across such situations and people...!!!Summary of all the feelings people go through in their lifetime..!!!! simply great..Please continue your good work...:)

  10. well dude its brilliant as usual...BRAVO...i ll follow some of these things for sure..:)

  11. Gr8 Work Nemi sorry for the delay excellently written ....Hats off

  12. Thanks for the appreciation Smita!! :)

  13. Well id be glad if these adages help u manish...cheers!

  14. u r vella there i guess :p... nicely said though...thumbs up !!!!!!!!!!!adding on
    "Past is experience, Present is experiment and Future is expectation. Use your experience in your experiments to achieve your expectations."

  15. Vella...hahaha...abey kitna kaam im doing!!
    Thanks though (Y)...!

  16. well written after deep analysis it seems....

  17. the instances are so very true.....which rathr all of us have experienced....
    but the "learning" part of it, is sumthng u have bought to the attention of people...
    cz as normal tendency people take up the negative effect of the instance and sit, but the positive aspect shown by u is tooo good.....keep up the good work...!!!!!

  18. That is really something!


  19. loved it!!!!!!!!!
    - Harsimran

  20. hey nemi...nice work...
    people try to escape if thoughts like these strike them...putting such thing in words is difficult... and u hv done it...liked it...:)

  21. Hi nemi....well written and makes a nice read....u have summed it up brillantly all that which is essential to 'live a life'..!...keep it up
    - Lalitha

  22. Hemali: Yes a lot of analysis!
    Sanika, Aditi, Harsimran, Lalitha: Thanks a ton people :) :)
    Disha: Yes it is indeed difficult and who would not love to run away from these thoughts.
