Friday, December 21, 2012

Doomsday Deed

Blimey!...I am still Alive. Well that’s something to be happy for unless you are dragged by family to watch the first show of Salman Khans Dabangg 2. So my mom being an ardent salman follower goes like, “see today the world is going to end and hence they decided to show this movie before that”, whereas my opinion were quite contrary, arguing that the world will end because of these kind of movies!!. I will delve deeper into the denigrating of Bollywood some other time.

For now, the world hasn’t ended but if you look, the world that you knew has ended. I was arguing that with a friend that everyone and everything has changed quite a lot and the relations aren’t the same the way they used to be. Just start off with the mass shootouts in Connecticut, the Dark Knight Rises Movie, at the gurudwara and you start wondering on where you stand. My parents are not that well acquainted with the map of USA and whenever they hear of any problem in and around California, they immediately call me up to check if I am ok, for all I know, it could have been us.

Well I always used to tell people proudly, that India is super safe and to quite an extent I still maintain that about Mumbai. However the recent happenings in Delhi were blasphemous and even though we knew at the back of our head on how the situation is, we always try to neglect it and await a huge cataclysmic event for it to be brought to our conscious thought from the sub conscious. There are hundreds of shootouts and rape that happen in smaller numbers or to a smaller atrocity but it took something so huge to gain attention. What I would like to underline here is that, face what you know sub consciously but try to elude before it gets blown out of proportion. Sometimes that voice comes internally; sometimes it is an external force that guides you through the matter that needs attention.

So while the sci fiction fans can remain disappointed that no aliens or asteroids are going to hit the earth, it is an even greater worry for the human race though. You can face and survive from what you can see but how do you deal with the negativity of the mind which does not manifest itself in an explicit manner. Today you may protest or grieve about something, and it might well be forgotten tomorrow. But stop, pause for a second and think, if in this end of this world which originates from within the human race, what if it was you or a loved one that got sucked into this apocalypse.

How would you feel? Would you want to live your life with regret that you could not say that sorry, or give that smile or hug and thank someone or simply grab that moment slipping from your hand like the sands of time. Well for today you are alive, but as the Mayans might have actually said “That the world is changing from the way we have known it”. There are thousands flocking to purify their souls or welcoming the new lease of life by blind faith at the Mayan ruins. But you don’t need to go that far.

If you are glad that you are alive today, take that minute, hour or the day out and do what you need to!