Saturday, January 30, 2010

3 Idiots: An Extension

This article is about my theory on how 3 idiots was an extension of Munnabhai. At the very onset I would like to draw your attention to the fact that by this I take nothing away from the fact that 3 idiots was a brilliantly made flick. The fact that with whom you saw the movie might also create some difference of opinion.
As the lights dimmed and I got ready to be astounded by the “I so relate to this” feeling, I somehow could not overlook many similarities that I found with Munnabhai

1) Tormenting Director in 3 idiots vs the extremely strict and a slicker for
discipline dean in Munnabhai. The fact that both were played by Boman
Irani made me draw back to the latter even more.

2) Enter the revolutionary Ranchoddas Chanchad aka Rancho vs the rebel
Murli Prasad Sharma aka Munnabhai. Both intentionally or just to stand
out go against their respective heads.

3) The torturous heads have beautiful daughters who fall for the rebels.

4) Oh yeah, it’s the daughters who dawn a realization upon their fathers
on how wrong they are!

5) Raju’s father is in a paralyzed state and even he goes into one when he
jumps off the directors office. In the counterpart Anandbhai is in the
brain dead state. Both the situations the rebels get them out into the
normal state and are the ones to celebrate it.

6) The guitarist commits suicide. The failed in love guy tries to commit
suicide. Well for that matter even raju attempted a failed suicide attempt.

7) Silencer (Chatur) vs Swamy, the nerds.

8) Ok Ragging is a part of many colleges but yeah a similarity again. The
ragging stops when the rebels enter.

9) Aal iiz Well competes with the Jhadoo ki Jhappi for the solidarity effect.

I agree that 3 idiots was superbly made but the Rajkumar Hirani touch could not be undermined. I don’t what you guys felt.
Let me know your thoughts if you thought about this similarity after having seen it 2-3 times (like majority did  )

Sunday, January 17, 2010


The journey commences here. There is no farewell waving, no bidding adieu. There is tear jerking though. The salty drops rolling down those glistened eyes not for sorrow or separation but for the overflow of joy.
You have entered the train called ‘Life’. A continually moving train with no finite destination but a journey unprecedented, with numerous stops. Various people alight and board this train through its course. There are people on the train while you boarded it and who will tend to be the longest duration of your journey with you. The ones who brought you your ticket to the train-your parents.
As you walk through life, you will find plethora of faces. Some will be seated next to you. They may get off and move to another compartment or another boogie. The ones who are always there seated next to you, marking their presence forever in your minds are your friends. The rest are merely acquaintances. Don’t confuse them with your friends.
As the journey takes it bends like a roller coaster with a great hormonal and emotional rush, you will face many experiences, some of which may plummet you down while others shall leave you enraptured and exhilarated. The past may haunt you while the future may daunt you. But as they say “Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift and that’s why it’s called Present”.
There are relations. Perplexing, obscure, interlaced and incomprehensible but you still can’t live without. It’s not always the umbilical cord or blood ties that cohere people. An incessant hunt for your twin soul is always on. The person with whom the maximum enthrallment of the journey is attained. There is also a search for your better half.
Interaction with wise people who are about to get down at their stop dawn a new understanding upon you that the biggest regret is not about what was said and done but about the feelings unexpressed and the words unspoken. So go ahead and say it, feel it and cherish it. Don’t hesitate to express your love about the ones you care about. While your acquaintances increase in your quest for name and fame, don’t forget that who matter are the ones who will cry when you will be up there shining down.
Don’t care about the world and don’t pursue the ones who are fleeting and transitory. Recognize the selected ones around whom your world revolves by their selfless deeds and undemanding love.
Live freely, love truly, smile kindly, talk happily, run free, think twice, repent and arise.
Go ahead and give it all you got in this journey we call Life for the destination is unknown.

P.S-Please do include your names in the comments.Cheers!

Monday, January 11, 2010


And a new journey started..
History so powerful to manifest itself again, to feel the same euphoria and ecstasy.
Pure happiness and elevation to Cloud 9.
An understanding of life unblemished and a new realm of reality.
Bonding so deep, etched in the memories and hearts forever.
Genesis of not only a journey but a lifetime of an experience!